RSS English

Wednesday, April 16th

Victor Ciorbea is the new Ombudsman

Yesterday, Romanian Parliament endorsed the liberal senator Victor Ciorbea as the new Ombudsman for the next five years. The position was vacant for several months and Victor Ciorbea was the only candidate, proposed by the parliamentary groups of the Social Democratic Party. He said he will be sworn in ten days at most, after he will be suspended from legal profession. Ombudsman institution is an independent public authority that must protect the rights and freedoms of citizens from other authorities. The Ombudsman is the only person that can attack at the Constitutional Court the emergency ordinances issued by the government (RADIO ROMANIA reports).

Over 16,500 jobs are vacant nationwide

Over 16,500 jobs are vacant nationwide, most for those with secondary and professional education, announced The National Agency for Employment. The richest offers are in Cluj and Prahova counties and, also, in Bucharest. For those with higher education there are 1,600 jobs, especially for engineers and economists. According to statistics, the number of unemployed exceeded 520,000 in late February, less than a thousand the previous month. (RADIO ROMANIA reports)

President Traian Basescu sent out a public message, on the Jewish holiday of Pesach

President Traian Basescu sent out a public message yesterday, on the Jewish holiday of Pesach. Romania has always enjoyed the attachment and contribution of the representatives of these communities, for the common good. Pesah is the religious celebration of Israeli people, symbolizing the liberation from Egyptian slavery and the exit from Egypt of Israel's children, led by Moses and the 40 years of wandering in the desert. It is a fixed holiday in the Jewish religious calendar, held annually between 14 and 21 of the month. According to the 2002 census, about 6-7,000 Jews live in Romania. (RADIO ROMANIA reports)

Adrian Strugariu

RADOR News Agency - 16.04.2014 17:11