President Traian Basescu visited American destroyer "USS Donald Cook", which arrived in Constanta. According to the President, this visit has a symbolic character and it shows Romanian authorities' respect to the reaction of NATO allies, after Russian Federation annexed the Crimean Peninsula. "By their presence", said Traian Basescu, "the American and the French ships do nothing but give the signal of stability for the region and show that NATO countries are supportive of each other when there are security risks." American destroyer "USS Donald Cook" will remain in Constanta port until Thursday, while the Romanian and American military sailors will participate in training activities, both in our country's territorial waters and in the international waters of the Black Sea. (RADIO ROMANIA reports)
On average, Romanians will spend for food and Easter gifts a sum similiar to that one spent last year
Romanians will spend, on average, for food and Easter gifts around 360 lei, a sum almost similiar to that one they spent last year too. 85% of those living in urban areas say that they will spend Easter Holidays at home with family or friends, reveals a study conducted by the Mednet Marketing Research Center company. More than half of those questioned said that their gifts will go, equally, to parents and children. The study was conducted online between April 4-8 on a nationally representative sample and the margin of error for this survey is plus / minus 3.81%. (RADIO ROMANIA reports).
Notification for Romanians who want to travel to Israel during Jewish Easter
In Israel, state institutions in Israel are closed during the feast of Passover until April 2nd. Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a travel alert for Romanian citizens, informing them about this situation. (RADIO ROMANIA reports)
Natalia Polikarpov